The Brief
Supercheap approached SI Retail to assist with designing a Small Battery Trolley to assist customers with transporting the heavy duty batteries safely to their vehicles. The current shopping trolley was not suitable due to fact that the tray was not sitting flat which was dangerous for potential battery leakage when transporting.
Our Solution
The SI Retail Account Manager worked closely together with Supercheap and SI Retail’s Engineer Design team, Sketching drawings based on the original trolley design we altered the trays to suit size and weight ratio to for the heavy duty Battery they sell in store.
After perfecting the tooling and making a prototype, Supercheap trialed the product in store. Supercheap were pleased with our solution and approved the Battery Trolley for full production for 316 stores. Special signage and logo was added to the trolley and they were manufactured and shipped directly into to each store within a small time frame as promised.
Perfected tooling and created prototype for battery trolley
Rolled out to 316 stores
Trolleys shipped direct to stores within short time frame