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Hang and Shelf with the one stylish in store fitting for Slatwall and Wall Strip!

Like a normal hangrail the HangShelf displays hanging garments. But because of Hangrail Shelf's unique and adaptable design it can also shelve more stock of the same lines or similar lines, signage or decorations.

Retailers will be able to more conveniently place complimentary lines like shoes and hats where the customers will be searching for similarly marketed garments.

The Hangrail Shelf includes 3 parts that intertwine to look like a seamless single unit. The chrome hangrail is designed to snugly hold either 18mm melamine shelves (stocked in Black, White and Wood grain) or 8mm Glass shelves at the same level in height.

This provides for a more visually appealing slimline look and more space to display. The shelves are designed to sit back against the wall leaving enough space for garments to be hung and the shelf to be utilised from above.

The shelf itself sits on four clips that insert into the hangrail bar, enabling the shelf to sit flush with the bar. The Hangrail Shelf suits both Slot Wall and Wall strip displays and is available in either 600mm, 900mm or 1200mm lengths.

In addition to the space saving and convenience it offers Hangrail Shelf is more cost effective and will save your fit out money.


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