What is a shelf talker?

Shelf talkers are small printed tickets attached to a retail shelf. The word "shelf talker" defines the ticket as well as the clip to hold the ticket and they usually promote a specific product on the shelf. They are designed to attract the customer's attention to a particular product, as well as to guide the customer's through the shelves. Shelf talkers are silent salespeople; they will help move products. With stores cutting staff, shelf talkers are increasingly important in a retail environment. Shelf talkers are usually bright and bold with short text and a call to action. Shelf talkers are used in various type of business such as supermarkets, convenience stores, petrol stations, bookstores, discount and hardware stores. The sign itself normally hangs over the edge of the shelf, making it more easily visible to any shoppers passing by.
Shelf wobbler: It is a shelf talker but the system is different because it enables the ticket to hang down and wobble.
Talker sign holder grip: This is a very broad term that defines any hardware that will hold signage. Sometimes fit out companies use this term to describe a clip that fits a shelf, (shelf talker/ ticket stabiliser grip) but that can also fit other surfaces. Generally, a shelf talker is a small sign holder.
Shelf talker/ticket pouch: This is a simple clear A7 pouch that sits in data strip for displaying shelf talker promotions. The pouch ensures the talker label won't get ripped or fall from the shelf.
Shelf talkers are a great in-store marketing tool as they are very effective at driving sales; they are time-saving and relatively cheap.
There are many types of shelf talker holders and grips on the market and if you need help to choose the perfect shelf talker, please give us a call and our customer service team will be more than happy to assist you. SI Retail can also custom make any shelf talker designs dependant upon quantities required.